Battle Creek’s Primary Co-Occurring Addiction Treatment Center

Substance abuse affects the brain’s functions, causing changes in a person’s thinking, emotions, and behaviors that often lead to negative outcomes. It can be difficult to deal with a substance use disorder on your own. The good news is that treatment can help you manage symptoms and heal from the effects of addiction. Deciding to receive professional support is a brave step toward a better life.  

At Bronson Behavioral Health Hospital, we provide inpatient addiction treatment for adults age 18 and older. Located in Battle Creek within an hour of multiple Michigan cities and towns, our new facility offers care for those who have mental health concerns and co-occurring addictions.  

Learn About Inpatient Treatment for Co-Occurring Addiction

Addiction can make you feel discouraged and overwhelmed. But when you receive addiction treatment at the right place, you can begin to heal and find hope. Bronson Behavioral Health provides inpatient addiction treatment for people who also have mental health concerns. By addressing both concerns together, we can offer more comprehensive treatment plans. 

Inpatient treatment is an intensive form of care that offers a range of benefits. If you are struggling with mental health and addiction concerns, inpatient treatment can help you stabilize in the hospital, where you can receive full-time care. The typical stay at Bronson Behavioral Health is five to seven days. During that time, you can get focused treatment that can form the foundation for ongoing healing. 

Key features and advantages of inpatient addiction treatment can include: 

  • Structured daily schedules: Inpatient addiction treatment provides structured daily schedules that offer a sense of routine and stability. This structure helps patients develop healthy habits, engage in therapy sessions, participate in activities, and focus on recovery goals. 
  • Multiple forms of therapy: Inpatient treatment typically offers multiple therapies that address different aspects of addiction. These may include individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and specialized methods like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This combination of treatments provides a comprehensive approach to recovery. 
  • Nutritious meals: Addiction treatment centers prioritize nutrition and provide patients with balanced, healthy meals that can support the recovery process.  
  • Comfortable rooms: Comfortable rooms or living quarters in treatment facilities ensure a safe and conducive environment for recovery. Having a pleasant space to rest and recharge can contribute to overall well-being and a sense of security. 
  • Round-the-clock supervision: Inpatient treatment provides round-the-clock supervision by trained professionals. This attention ensures the safety and well-being of patients, as staff members can monitor progress, provide support, and address any needs or concerns. 
  • Intensive support: Inpatient treatment offers a highly supportive environment where individuals can focus solely on their recovery. The continuous presence of healthcare professionals and peers builds a sense of community and accountability, encouraging successful outcomes. 

Please contact our staff at Bronson Behavioral Health if you have any questions about whether inpatient addiction treatment at our facility would help you reach your recovery goals.  

How To Help a Loved One Who Needs Addiction Treatment

Helping a loved one who has an addiction can be challenging, but there are several things you can do to provide support and encourage their recovery, including: 

  • Express your feelings: When you talk to your loved one, avoid lecturing and instead encourage a back-and-forth conversation. Use “I feel” statements to avoid sounding accusatory and to show that you understand and care about them.  
  • Educate yourself: Learn about the nature of addiction, its causes, its symptoms, and available treatment options. Understanding underlying factors can help you approach the situation with empathy and knowledge. 
  • Encourage professional help: Encourage your loved one to seek professional help from a counselor, therapist, or addiction specialist who can create an appropriate treatment plan. 
  • Offer support: Let your loved one know that you can provide encouragement, avoid judgment, and help them throughout their recovery. 
  • Set boundaries: It’s important to communicate clear boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship and encourage accountability. 

Addiction is a complex concern, and professional help is often necessary. Your supportive role in your loved one’s life can make a significant difference. Voicing your concerns and sharing available treatment options can provide compassionate assistance in a difficult time.  

Therapies Used To Treat Co-Occurring Addictions

Bronson Behavioral Health uses various evidence-based therapies to treat addictions. We commonly use the following therapies in addiction treatment: 

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: CBT helps patients identify and change unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors associated with addiction. It focuses on helping patients develop coping strategies, improve problem-solving skills, and prevent relapse. 
  • Family therapy: Addiction affects individuals and their family members. Family therapy helps patients and their family members improve communication and dysfunctional patterns by providing education and support. Family involvement can improve the patient’s chances of achieving long-term recovery. 
  • Group therapy: Group therapy provides a supportive environment where patients can share their experiences, receive feedback, and learn from others who are facing similar challenges. Group therapy can build a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of loneliness. 
  • Individual therapy: Through individual therapy, you can gain deeper self-awareness and insight into the underlying causes of addiction. This self-reflection can help you identify patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to substance abuse. It can encourage personal growth, increased self-esteem, and a better understanding of your healing process. 

Bronson offers daily group therapy sessions and family and individual sessions based on your care plan. Addiction treatment is most effective when it is customized. A qualified team of mental health professionals will work together to recommend the most appropriate treatment approach for you. 

The Benefits of Inpatient Treatment for Co-Occurring Addictions

Inpatient treatment for co-occurring addictions addresses both addiction and mental health concerns simultaneously. These are potential benefits of co-occurring addiction treatment at an inpatient facility: 

  • Comprehensive assessment: Inpatient treatment can allow for a thorough assessment of addiction and mental health concerns. It helps show the underlying causes and triggers of addiction, leading to an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.  
  • Coordination and collaboration: In an inpatient setting, there is increased collaboration among the treatment team, which includes psychiatrists, therapists, and other healthcare professionals. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of a person’s care are coordinated effectively. 
  • Dual diagnosis expertise: Inpatient treatment centers that specialize in treating co-occurring disorders often employ staff members who have extensive expertise. These professionals are trained to address the complexities of mental health and addiction concerns and can provide targeted therapies to specifically address these diagnoses.  

Why Choose Our Inpatient Addiction Treatment Center in Battle Creek

If you require professional care for a substance use disorder, our addiction treatment center offers several compelling features, including:  

  • Safety and support: Your health is at constant risk when addiction goes untreated. By entering our addiction treatment center, you can minimize the risk for harm. Our dedicated team will prioritize your safety and provide compassionate support throughout your time in our care. 
  • Personalized treatment: We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment. Our team can create a customized plan that is tailored to your needs, empowering you to achieve your short- and long-term goals.  
  • Comprehensive care: We recognize that a substance use disorder can impact all areas of your life. Our comprehensive care includes a range of services to meet your needs. 
  • Drug-free environment: Being in a place where you don’t have access to addictive substances can be a simple benefit of inpatient care. In addition to removing this temptation, you can reduce the daily stress that can sometimes threaten your determination to work toward recovery. 
  • Connection: Addiction can isolate you from family and friends. Addiction treatment can help you begin to repair your relationships. It can also help you meet other people who have had similar experiences.  
  • Clinical excellence: Your personalized addiction treatment plan can incorporate evidence-based, research-supported therapies and services. We maintain the highest standards of clinical quality to ensure that you receive the most effective treatment available. We offer various types of therapies, and if medication is part of your treatment plan, you can work with psychiatrists and nurses throughout your stay. 
  • Discharge planning: From the moment you enter our addiction treatment center, we will begin planning for your transition out of our care. Before you leave, we will provide a detailed discharge plan to guide your continued progress. We understand that recovery is a lifelong journey and want to ensure that you have access to ongoing support. 

A wide range of expertise is also crucial to effective co-occurring addiction treatment. Bronson Behavioral Health Hospital features a multidisciplinary team that includes: 

  • Licensed social workers 
  • Board-certified or board-eligible psychiatrists 
  • Psychologists 
  • Certified physician assistants 
  • Certified nurse practitioners 
  • Psychiatric nurses 
  • Registered nurses 
  • Dietitians 
  • Recreational therapists  

At Bronson Behavioral Health Hospital, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where you can begin working toward recovery. Please contact our staff if you have any questions about the therapies and services we offer during inpatient addiction treatment. 

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Bronson Behavioral Health Hospital. 

Marks of Quality Care
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval